Camarillo DBT provides adherent, comprehensive mental health services to teens and adults in the Camarillo area. While DBT is our area of specialty, many of our therapists are trained in a number of modalities including ACT, CBT, and family systems, EMDR and psychodynamic psychotherapy.

DBT, or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that helps those struggling with emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance issues. While DBT has become the gold standard for treating those with borderline personality disorder, it can also be very effective at treating those with depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, substance use and a variety of other symptoms. In fact, research shows that the skills taught in the group can be effective for almost any individual.

DBT adds mindfulness and validation practices to existing behavior and emotional modification strategies, balancing the need for both acceptance AND change, two opposing forces. In DBT, clients are taught a number of skills that help reduce self-harming behaviors and allow clients to feel a better sense of emotional control and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT also teaches communication skills. This includes being able to ask for what you want in effective ways, as well as setting limits.

In order to participated in an adherent DBT program, clients must participate in weekly individual therapy, weekly group therapy. The client may also utilize what is called phone coaching; clients have the ability to reach out to their therapist before harmful behaviors occur. The therapist must be on a DBT team. For teens, parents must also take part in weekly skills training. While DBT is a big commitment of time and money, it is highly effective. It is also time limited, though the skills acquired in DBT last a lifetime. Call now to inquire more about our high fidelity DBT program.

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